APAMI Conference 2022

APAMI 2022 conference will be held in Taipei City, Taiwan October 14 – 16, 2022.  Click here to sign up to receive updates. We look forward to seeing you in 2022!

International Webinar on FHIR for Smart Medicine

The International Webinar on FHIR for Smart Medicine will be held on 14 October 2021 virtually. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) for smart Medicine webinar will be conducted on 9-12pm Taipei Time (GMT+8).

For registration, you may click on the following link:


We hope to meet you online soon!

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at arbiter@tmu.edu.tw; tinygoat@gmail.com; jakirmsd@gmail.com

Best wishes,

APAMI Secretariat

MedInfo 2021 is Live!

IMIA is pleased to offer the worldwide Medical Informatics community the opportunity to participate in the 2021 online version of our World Congress “MedInfo 2021”.

Accepted papers and posters for MedInfo 2021 are available online and the website will provide details on how to search and access the presentations.  There is no registration fee to attend this online version of MedInfo.  It gives IMIA great pleasure to offer you this unique opportunity to take part in the most recent research in the field.

The live sessions will be held over 3 days, with 2 live sessions scheduled for each day.  In order to best serve the 24-hour time zones, the live sessions are scheduled to start at 2 PM UTC and 8 PM UTC.  Each session will be recorded and made available for those that are unable to attend in person online.

We look forward to you joining MedInfo 2021!

MedInfo 2021 Online

One World, One Health: Global Partnership for Digital Innovation

Virtual Conference, 2-4 October 2021

The International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) is pleased to announce MedInfo 2021 – One World, One Health: Global Partnership for Digital Innovation. Held every two years, MedInfo is the foremost International conference for the science and practice of biomedical and health informatics.

MedInfo 2021 was originally going to be held in Australia in August 2021, however the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible to move ahead with these plans.

To offer a platform for excellent scientific discussions and to continue to be a place where biomedical and health informatics professionals meet, it has been decided to convene MedInfo 2021 online. COVID-19 has impacted all works of life all over the world and IMIA is no exception.”, said Dr. Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, IMIA VP MedInfo. “Holding the 2021 congress online is a translation of many of the values held by IMIA, connecting experts and like-minded professionals to exchange experiences, learn from each other and share knowledge virtually will extend opportunities for those who normally cannot travel to participate in MedInfo.

IMIA looks forward to welcoming the world to MedInfo 2023 in Sydney, 7-12 July 2023, and to MedInfo 2025 in Taipei.

APAMI Digital Health Experts Roster

The Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics is aiming to create a roster of experts to serve as collaboration partners in joint funding applications, research project evaluations as well as peer reviewers of scientific abstracts.

APAMI has set up a database of experts from our regional community to assist with a number of joint activities. We would be grateful if you could kindly enter your profile via the button below if you are willing to serve on the APAMI experts roster.

APAMI 2020 21 to 23 November 2020 in Hamamatsu, Japan

On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) it is our great pleasure and privilege in extending a cordial invitation to participate at the APAMI 2020 Conference to be held in Hamamatsu, Japan on 21-23 November 2020.

The conference theme is “Informatics for Patient Engagement” which WHO has been promoting globally, but we also invite papers in any field in medical informatics from all over the world.

As the coronavirus has been the main medical concern all over the world right now and seems to continue for some time. We therefore encourage and welcome any new research on “Medical Informatics for COVID-19” to be presented at APAMI 2020.

This conference will be organized in parallel with the 40th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics (JCMI 40, the biggest domestic academic conference in this field) at the same venue. The APAMI 2020 participants will have a free access to their technical sessions as an extra benefit. Thus, this conference will provide you an excellent opportunity to establish new relationships with professional colleagues from various nations including the Asia Pacific region.

Hamamatsu (浜松) is a beautiful city located in western Shizuoka Prefecture of Japan. It is only one hour by super express railway from the Tokyo and Nagoya area. You can visit peaceful Lake Hamana and access the world famous Mt. Fuji. Hamamatsu City is a member of the World Health Organization’s Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC). We are very much delighted to have the event in this healthy city.

We look forward to welcoming you to APAMI 2020 in this healthy city of Hamamatsu.

Download the APAMI 2020 Conference Flyer

With warm regards,

Prof. Naoki Nakashima
APAMI 2020 General Chair


  • 19 November 2020: Japan Congress of Medical Informatics – Day 1
  • 20 November 2020: Japan Congress of Medical Informatics – Day 2 & APAMI Business Meeting
  • 21 November 2020: APAMI 2020 – Day 1 & JCMI Banquet
  • 22 November 2020: APAMI 2020 – Day 2 & IMIA Board Meeting
  • 23 November 2020: IMIA General Assembly
  • 24 November 2020: IHASI General Meeting

APAMI Open Meeting at MedInfo 2019

An Open Meeting of APAMI was held during MedInfo 2019 at the Convention Center in Lyon, France on th etopic of “4th Industrial Revolution of Medical Care in the Asia Pacific Region“.

APAMI GA at MedInfo 2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking forward to meeting our APAMI Colleagues at MEDINFO 2019 in Lyon, France. Please reserve Thursday, 28 Sept. 2019 at 18:30pm for our General Assembly. Thank You!

With warm regards,

Prof. Vajira Dissanayake
President of APAMI